Last month I shared “What’s Inside My Wellness Drawer,” including my favorite supplements, vitamins, and protein powders.
In the article, I mentioned that I wake up early most days and have a nighttime routine that sets me up for success.
Afterwards, I could not believe how many questions and requests I received for more details.
But, I also like learning about other women’s routines, so I get it!
A lot of this is probably going to seem like common sense, but it’s easier said than done.
And, let me tell you, I’ve been doing this for over six months now, and it’s changed everything.
My mornings are better, I’m healthier, so much more productive and my sleep has greatly improved.
I’ve always said that the benefits of working from home far outweigh the negatives.
But being productive at home can be a struggle, even for someone like me who is naturally disciplined.
Over the years I’ve fallen into the work-from-home trap so many of us deal with: this idea that because you’re home you’re available.
This was especially true for me early on when I was still figuring out boundaries.
My days ended up being filled with nonsense, and the I would work late into the night.
But that wasn’t sustainable, so after learning lots of lessons, I now have an iron-clad schedule and I wake up early to get to a 5am work-out in, a few days a week.
Which means I’m up between 4:15 – 4:30 and I’m in my car at 4:45.
It’s the only way I get anything done and ensures that my mornings aren’t a total sh*t show.
I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but it’s true, success in the morning depends on how you structure your evening.
My Wellness Focused Nighttime Routine
I over execute at night and do anything I can to get organized for the next day,
I’m going to answer all the questions I received last month throughout the post.
What time do you eat dinner?
Between 7:30 and 8 pm because of our girls’ schedules.
In an ideal world we would eat earlier but, most nights, they don’t get home until 7:30 at the earliest, and I want us to eat as a family as much as possible.
So I have it ready to go the second they get in.
However, I don’t eat a heavy dinner.
Instead, lunch is my biggest meal, and then I have a smaller portion of dinner.
What do you eat? Do you cook and what do you feed your family?
We eat a lot of chicken and salmon, not very exciting.
Anything I can make in the air frier is great because it’s fast and healthy. We do rice or some kind of grain, a veggie the kids will eat, and big salads, sometimes pasta.
Our teenagers are athletes with fast metabolisms, so we are constantly ensuring they maintain muscle and keep weight on.
Do you follow a certain diet?
No. But I did make a lot of lifestyle changes. For example, I drink very little alcohol and cut out gluten and dairy(for the most part).
It’s important to me that I mirror a healthy relationship with food especially with three daughters.
No Alcohol
I fell into a terrible habit of having a glass of wine while cooking, then with dinner, maybe one to end the night.
And it did me no good.
It’s so insidious how it can creep up on you.
So I set up some boundaries
I don’t drink during the week, the only exception is my monthly dinner with my college friends.
And I don’t necessarily drink on the weekends.
At least I don’t drink because it’s the weekend.
I also won’t drink anymore if I’m bored, overwhelmed, or stressed.
And it turns out that when you stop drinking, you lower your stress levels – who knew;)
At dinner with friend, on date with Bri, or at a party, I’ll have a glass or two of wine.
But that’s it.
I would never be able to pull off my schedule and I certainly would NEVER be able to get out of bed at 4:30 if I kept drinking the way I was.
Close the Kitchen
I hate waking up to a mess; it’s like starting your day in a deficient.
So after dinner, everyone helps clean and put away the kitchen and set it up for the morning.
It doesn’t take long and it’s nice being together and talking about our day.
The Morning Set Up
This tip is the reason I make it to class regularly and on time.
The less I have to think in the morning, the better.
So I gather what I need to get out the door, from my workout clothes to socks and sneakers, car keys, water bottle, and I put them on the table.
Be sure to find your favorite leggings or match your socks at night, or you’ll never leave the house in the morning.
I get dressed in the kitchen instead of my room so my husband can sleep more. He typically heads to the gym when I get back.
Since I started doing this, I have never hit the snooze; something about intentionally setting up your things at night for the morning makes you commit to it.
Magnesi-Om by Moon Juice
About an hour before bedtime I drink an 8 oz glass of water with a teaspoon of Magnesi-Om by Moon Juice.
I’ve tried all sorts of nighttime sleep-aid supplements.
Melatonin makes it hard for me to wake up and I feel drugged all morning, and Ashwagandha gave me the most insane dreams.
But Magnesi-Om helps me naturally fall and stay asleep, and I can still wake up early without feeling groggy.
Your nighttime skincare is when you can nourish and heal your skin; it’s also a lovely ritual that signals your brain that you’re getting ready to settle in for the night.
For the past few months, I have been skin-cycling, a system that takes the guesswork out of when to apply active products, so you get the absolute most out of them, eliminates irritation, and builds healthy, youthful-looking skin.
It’s been a real game-changer for my skin.
I shared the details about it here.
No Blue Light
This is one is still a challenge but the difference it makes is incredible.
Before I hop in bed, I plug my phone in on my desk in my bedroom.
It’s close enough that I can grab it in case of an emergency but it’s not next to me so I can give my brain and eyes a break.
And when my alarm goes off I have to get up and turn it off because, at 43, I still have to trick myself to get out of bed.
Creature Comforts
Finally, there are just a few things I use to help me decompress from the day and feel cozy.
First, I turn on this under $40 diffuser I found on Amazon. It’s another way to single that it’s time to sleep.
You can set this one to run for up to three hours and then it automatically turns off.
It sets a peaceful and relaxing mood.
By 9:15 I’m in bed.
I fill in the evening reflection section of My Five Minute Journal and I’ll read for a bit.
Or sometime my girls lay in bed with me and we talk.
I’m under my weighted blanket – I don’t know how I ever slept without this.
I also have my weighted eye mask on, which is so comforting and blocks out any light.
And if I’m lucky, I’m asleep by 10 pm.
Other Answers to Your Questions.
What time do you go to bed? Don’t you have trouble going to sleep early if your teens are still up?
My goal is to be asleep by 10pm.
Our 13 year old is usually in bed by then too, and our 16 year old is up late doing homework in her room. It’s not like they are running around causing trouble. And everyone gets up pretty easily in the morning.
Weekends are different if they are out, but weeknights I have no problem going to bed when they are still up.
Aren’t you exhausted?
I’m tired all the time. But I’m tired no matter when I go to sleep and wake up and whether I work-out or not.
So I figure I might as well build my strength and stamina.
Despite always being tired, my mood is 1000 times better, I’m very calm and steady, and I sleep well.
My mental health is the best it’s ever been.
Do you do this every night?
Yes, not matter what. The routine has really help regulate my sleep rhythm.
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