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Why You Need a Word of the Year

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Why You Need a Word of the Year

For the past few years, I’ve used New Year’s day to reflect, and take some time to come up with a list of goals and resolutions. I’m a fairly disciplined person and work better with a framework at the beginning of each year to help me stay focused. But this year, while I still created some goals, mostly for work, I felt the need to do something a little different.  That’s why, instead of a long list of the same old resolutions, I picked a word to focus on for the year.

It seems like 2018 was tough for a lot of people. I’ve heard friends and colleagues in some way say, “I’m so happy this year is over.” For me, it was a wild ride, with some incredible highs: my brother’s wedding, some fun family trips and, of course, the birth of our daughter at Christmas. But the lows were long and dark: multiple health scares during my pregnancy, severe Edema for the last two month that left me almost unable to walk, the loss of our beloved dog, Belle and we lived through a remodel that was insane and extra complicated since our “deadline” was also my due date.

Maybe it’s the cumulation of the last few exhausting months, or because I’m turning 40 at the end (the very end) of this year, but I have no more tolerance for drama, no interest in wasting time, giving dumb things headspace, or stressing out over insignificant issues. I’m craving peace, routine, and for life to generally feel more stable.

What I learned last year, above everything else, is that I think more clearly, and manage stress better when I don’t overcomplicate things. As I was thinking about what I wanted out of 2019, I kept coming back to the idea of keeping things easy, streamlined, and lovely.

This idea of picking a word of the year, to use as a guidepost, rather than a list of restrictions and resolutions, seems like a kinder, more approachable way to look at a new calendar year. I started thinking about my word, I liked wellnesspeacefocus, but ultimately I landed on “simplicity.”

Why You Need a Word of the Year

So here is how I see simplicity filtering across all areas of my life:

Create a simple family routine that gives us time together, and allows the kids to have a healthy balance of activities and rest.

Maintain (and get back) to a straightforward and manageable fitness routine.

Give myself “mental margin” by meditating so I don’t feel so overwhelmed and anxious, and allow for more creative thinking.

Follow systems at home and work that frees up time to recharge alone or with friends and family.

Continue to only say “yes” to activities that best serve me, my family and my businesses.

At first, I thought simplicity sounded lazy. Like I was setting up for a year where I would take the easy way out. But in reality, the act of keeping things simple takes a considerable amount of effort.  And it doesn’t mean that things will always work out correctly, it merely means I’m going to make every attempt not to overcomplicate my life, whether it’s how I think, projects I commit to, systems I create, or goals I set.

Once I landed on my word, my optimism for the year shot through the roof.

So let us know, what is YOUR word of the year?  Share it below and let us know why!  I can’t wait to read them 🙂 


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Megan Kristel

Megan Kristel is an entrepreneur, working mom, and former personal stylist. Tired of the one-dimensional portrayal of women online, she founded The Well Dressed Life as a resource for other professional women.

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Saturday 19th of January 2019

My word is BOLDLY - I've been hanging back from a couple of major dreams because of i'm going to BOLDLY step into my dreams this year!

Megan Kristel

Sunday 27th of January 2019

Wishing you a big and BOLD year, Deanna! xxx

Lauren Intinarelli

Wednesday 16th of January 2019

My word for this year is Intentional. Doing things with purpose and on purpose.

Megan Kristel

Thursday 17th of January 2019

Great word! Happy New Year Lauren!


Wednesday 16th of January 2019

My word is calm. There is going to be increased stress at work due to coworkers leaving and new ones learning curve. My mother-in-law lives with me and is becoming increasingly dependent on me. My step-daughter is having her first baby and lives several states away. I will remain calm and handle whatever comes up one at a time


Tuesday 15th of January 2019

Determination. This year is going to be a year of change for me in a bunch of ways and will require determination and discipline. I will need to focus, push and work hard.

Kelly Beck

Tuesday 15th of January 2019

My word is “Healthy”. I’m focused on a healthy me. Healthy eating, healthy body, healthy mind, healthy finances. I’m taking it one day at a time and putting me first so I can be my best for everyone I love.


Tuesday 15th of January 2019

Nourish. I was going to use connection but then was told the word nourish and realized that was the word I wanted. Nourishing relationships with my children, husband, family and friends. Nourish my body through a more consistent workout routine and healthy eating (and getting the family on board!). And nourish my career through completing an online Diplomate course and regular journal readings. I’m hopeful it will be a good year!

Patricia Hornbeck

Tuesday 15th of January 2019

My word is GRATITUDE! Gratitude for my wonderful family, my precious dog Bosworth. My wonderful friends that we are all there for each other. For having made it to retirement so as to travel. Also for my good health! But most of all I want to wake up each morning and be grateful for all my blessings that God has given me!


Tuesday 15th of January 2019

My word is Surrender , sometimes we have to give over to what is . When I want things to be different , more to my liking and well , when you know that will not happen , I go into chaos , so when I can go into surrender ( making the best of it with an open heart and mind ), a calm ,peace and acceptance comes over me .

Sibylle Walker

Tuesday 15th of January 2019

My word for this year is "Joy". Finding joy in the work I do, joy in my children and grandchildren. Planing events that bring joy to my clients, my friends and my family. Enjoying the time spend on planes, in my car (I drive a lot in my work) and at home. Enjoying sorting out my closets, drawers and the dreaded basement... well, maybe enjoying it when it's done!! Enjoy life!

Cindy Geier

Tuesday 15th of January 2019

My word is Connection. I hope to expand my connection to others, to nature, to community, to my purpose and to my spirit. I truly believe if everyone understood how infinitely connected we were to each other, our world would be at peace.


Tuesday 15th of January 2019

:: BE PRESENT :: BE PRESENT to stay centered in what is important (and push away that which is not).

BE PRESENT to enjoy the simplicity of outdoors, friends, family, joyful things without guilt or fomo.

BE PRESENT to hear what what it is I want and to trust I know how to achieve it (or know who can help me).

BE PRESENT to remain grateful.

Megan Kristel

Tuesday 15th of January 2019

What a wonderful way to articulate the benefits of being present!!