Happy New Year, Friends!
Two weeks ago, I took a little break from work, the longest I’ve unplugged in at least a decade.
During my first week “off,” I ran around like a mad woman trying to prepare for Christmas. Despite my best intentions to get ahead of the schedule, I was picking up last-minute gifts at the mall two days before Christmas Eve.
We did get to spend some good quality time together as a family, and we wrapped up the holiday by hosting a big party on Christmas night, which was so fun.
Then, once everyone left, I slept for three straight days.
I couldn’t believe how tired I was. When I woke up from a nap on day two, I thought I’d have difficulty falling asleep that night.
Nope, I was out cold by 9 pm. The same thing happened the next day.
Happily, I’m feeling well rested today, though a bit slow to start this morning.
I did want to get a lot more done work-wise. I know this sounds ridiculous, but still struggle with the idea that if I’m not manically productive all the time, I’m somehow failing – or, worse, I will be punished for it.
So, in 2024, one of my themes is rest. I’m scheduling real rest into my days and weeks and trying my hardest not to feel guilty about it.
Welcome 2024!
One thing I didn’t love about last year was how I pushed through for too long on pure adrenaline. I did what I had to do to get by, but I survived on stamina for the last six months of the year, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when I crashed as hard as I did.
To help unplug and create better habits, I started logging off my phone by eight at night and not picking it up until eight the following morning, giving my brain a chance to reset. I don’t run an urgent business, so I have no reason to be plugged in all the time.
I’ve replaced mindlessly scrolling with reading – that was easy, and my middle daughter and I have started to learn needlepoint – not so easy.
Besides that, I’m looking forward to building on the healthy routines I established last year.
Because 2024 will be a big year for our family, I want to feel as good and present as possible.
As many of you know, I rarely post photos of my family, especially my kids, but I thought I would share this one from our holiday card. I’ve been blessed with readers who have known me since I was pregnant with Maddie – who will turn 17 this year!
Quick Family Update:
Our oldest, Maddie, is going through the recruitment process to row in college. She’ll have her signing day in the fall, and I’ll probably spend the rest of the year crying as we inch closer to graduation.
Our middle, Ava, was recently accepted to the same high school as her sister and has a busy spring of travel softball ahead of her. She incredibly talented; watching her pitch is both exhilarating and the most stressed I have ever been in my life.
And Vivi, unbelievably will start kindergarten. If you’re new here, yes, we have a wild age gap and it’s the best.
I’m just so proud of all of them I could burst.
And, of course, I’m excited to continue to grow The Well Dressed Life and our community; I’m delighted you’re here and look forward to sharing all the fun and informative content we have planned!
I hope 2024 is prosperous and peaceful for you and the ones you love.
Happy Happy New Year!
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